I’ve been interested in computers since my earliest years. My brother is even more of a geek than me and built himself a pong game when I was under 10, which we used to play continuously. When he went to University he bought one of the early all in one Macs. I loved it. A bit later on, I got my first proper job aged 19 (must have been 1983). I was a Clerical Office for the Atomic Energy Authority at Harwell. I was presented with a brand new, hot of the shelf IBM PC. One of the first to enter the UK I imagine. It had literally only been launched a few months earlier. One floppy disk slot (big 5.25″ proper floppy). A copy of DOS on one floppy and a copy of the first spreadsheet Lotus 123 on a 2nd floppy. Then I was just left with the manuals and told to work it out. As a high IQ logic freak, I geeked right in.

It took me a few years more on PC’s to finally move to a Mac. They were simply out of my price range before this and weren’t compatible with a lot of things. But we got there eventually and since that time I’ve not looked back. I still have a PC for gaming, which I built myself a few years back, but my main love and work machine is a Mac. As it my laptop and I’m also a total Apple devotee owning iPhone since version 4 and an Apple Watch since version 1. Also had one of the first iPod’s ever in the UK, which my now wife bought me for Christmas as soon as it was launched. I think you could say I’m an Apple fan.

This blog will be about all things computer related Computer related that I come across in my daily research.

Useful Software

Check out a selection of the software I couldn’t live without on my Mac and iPhone.

  • Core Web Vitals Checker
    A great website for checking how every page on your website performs for the Google Core Web Vitals.
  • WordPress Themes – Speed Test
    A simple test of 5 popular themes, so see how much they affect the speed of your website.
  • How Fast is Your Web Hosting and Theme – The Bare Page Test
    I’ve been speeding up my website for over two years now. It’s been a journey, and as with all journeys, along the way I’ve met many people, hung out on numerous forums and learned new techniques and methods at every turn. And I continue to learn every day. One of the things that I learned,…
  • Best way to Move Photos between Hard Drives
    How to safely move large amounts of images from one hard drive to another, with 100% accurate results every time.
  • How to Speed up Your Website!
    I can be a little obsessive with things. I don’t like being beaten if I can find out a way to win. So when I started testing my websites for speed, like many of you, I found it extremely frustrating. Running your website through Google’s page speed insights is like pulling your own teeth. Painful!…
  • Automated Backups Using Chronosync
    Once you’ve started making your first few backups via Chronosync, wouldn’t it be great if you could set it to look after itself, without you having to ever think about it? I’m always forgetting things, if I had to do my own backups, I’m bound to forget. And sod’s law states – the time you…
  • Highlight H1, H2 Headings on a Website
    Over the years I’ve found a few useful Chrome Extensions, that can help identify H1, H2, H3 etc. headings on a website, however most of them simply list what the headings are. What I was after was an extension that would actually point to each heading and tell me what H value it was. I…
  • Boot Backup Drive
    How to create a Bootable Backup Drive