Core Web Vitals Checker
A great website for checking how every page on your website performs for the Google Core Web Vitals.
A great website for checking how every page on your website performs for the Google Core Web Vitals.
A simple test of 5 popular themes, so see how much they affect the speed of your website.
I’ve been speeding up my website for over two years now. It’s been a journey, and as with all journeys, along the way I’ve met many people, hung out on numerous forums and learned new techniques and methods at every turn. And I continue to learn every day. One of the things that I learned,…
I can be a little obsessive with things. I don’t like being beaten if I can find out a way to win. So when I started testing my websites for speed, like many of you, I found it extremely frustrating. Running your website through Google’s page speed insights is like pulling your own teeth. Painful!…
Over the years I’ve found a few useful Chrome Extensions, that can help identify H1, H2, H3 etc. headings on a website, however most of them simply list what the headings are. What I was after was an extension that would actually point to each heading and tell me what H value it was. I…